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Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 32: e3614, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1550159


Resumen El presente artículo consta de una revisión bibliográfica que tiene por objetivo describir los distintos factores que influyen en el desarrollo de la sexualidad infantil para comprenderla desde la terapia ocupacional. La problemática planteada aborda la invisibilidad de los componentes naturales y normativos de la sexualidad en la primera y segunda infancia y cómo la terapia ocupacional se aproxima a estos factores en su intervención. Para llevar a cabo esta búsqueda bibliográfica, se utilizaron variadas bases de datos y revistas de terapia ocupacional, con el fin de encontrar textos que tuvieran relación con el objetivo y problemática propuesta, los cuales fueron filtrados de acuerdo a criterios de exclusión e inclusión. De los resultados se obtiene que existe escasa información académica respecto a cómo se relacionan directamente los componentes de la sexualidad infantil con las áreas de trabajo de la terapia ocupacional. Por lo anterior se concluye que la disciplina está recientemente en la incorporación del abordaje de esta temática y se plantea la necesidad urgente de reconstruir la conceptualización de la sexualidad infantil, desde una base de derechos de la niñez y alejándose de la hegemonía de una cultura heteronormada y adultocéntrica. Se consideran los distintos factores que influyen al desarrollo de la sexualidad infantil y entendiéndola no solo como ocupación sino como parte fundamental de la identidad ocupacional, que tiene como componentes la autonomía corporal, el desarrollo socio afectivo, el placer y el disfrute, el género y las elecciones ocupacionales, los cuales guiarían el abordaje de terapia ocupacional.

Resumo O presente artigo consiste em uma revisão bibliográfica que tem como objetivo descrever os diferentes fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento da sexualidade infantil para compreendê-la a partir da terapia ocupacional. A problemática levantada aborda a invisibilidade dos componentes naturais e normativos da sexualidade na primeira e segunda infâncias e como o terapeuta ocupacional aborda esses fatores em sua intervenção. Para realizar esta busca bibliográfica, foram utilizadas diversas bases de dados e periódicos da área de terapia ocupacional, a fim de encontrar textos que estivessem relacionados ao objetivo e problemática propostos, os quais foram filtrados segundo critérios de exclusão e inclusão. Dos resultados obtém-se que há escassa informação acadêmica a respeito de como os componentes da sexualidade infantil estão diretamente relacionados às áreas de atuação do terapeuta ocupacional. Portanto, conclui-se que a disciplina está incorporando recentemente a abordagem dessa temática e se levanta a urgente necessidade de reconstruir a conceituação da sexualidade infantil, a partir de uma base de direitos da criança e afastando-se da hegemonia de uma cultura heteronormativa adultocêntrica. São considerados os diferentes fatores que influenciam o desenvolvimento da sexualidade infantil, entendendo-a não apenas como uma ocupação, mas também como parte fundamental da identidade ocupacional, cujos componentes são autonomia corporal, desenvolvimento socioafetivo, prazer e gozo, gênero e escolhas ocupacionais, os quais orientariam a abordagem da terapia ocupacional.

Abstract This article consists of a bibliographical review that aims to describe the different factors that influence the development of child sexuality to understand it from Occupational Therapy (OT). The problem raised addresses the invisibility of the natural and normative components of sexuality in early and second childhood and how OT approaches these factors in its intervention. To carry out this bibliographic search, various databases and journals of Occupational Therapy were used, in order to find texts that were related to the objective and proposed problem, which were filtered according to exclusion and inclusion criteria. From the results it is obtained that there is limited academic information regarding how the components of child sexuality are directly related to the areas of work of the OT. From the foregoing, it is concluded that the discipline is recently incorporating the approach to this issue and the urgent need to reconstruct the conceptualization of child sexuality is raised, from a base of children's rights, moving away from the hegemony of a heteronormative culture, and adult centric. The different factors that influence the development of child sexuality are considered, understanding it not only as an occupation but also as a fundamental part of occupational identity, whose components are bodily autonomy, socio-affective development, pleasure and enjoyment, gender and occupational choices, which would guide the occupational therapy approach.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 11-18, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006263


The development of single Chinese materia medica is an important direction of technological innovation in the field of Chinese materia medica at present, and the study of its comprehensive intellectual property protection system is of great significance to the intellectual property protection of the whole chain of innovative enterprises of single Chinese materia medica. Based on this, this paper takes the comprehensive protection system of intellectual property of Callicarpa nudiflora constructed by Jiuzhitang Pharmaceutical as a model to conduct empirical research, analyzes the protection forms applicable to intellectual property of Chinese materia medica, such as patents, administrative protection, trademarks, designs and intangible cultural heritages, and discusses the valuable and insufficient aspects of the protection system currently constructed by Jiuzhitang Pharmaceutical and puts forward the following suggestions:①paying attention to patent applications for planting/processing methods of raw medicinal materials, ②emphasizing the protection of geographical indications, authentic medicinal herbs, and new plant varieties, ③actively promoting product and technology upgrades, ④applying for data protection during product iteration, ⑤emphasizing the layout timing of patent and administrative protection, ⑥focusing on improving goodwill, ⑦enhancing awareness of intellectual property protection and promoting deep integration of industry, academia, and research. We hope that innovative enterprises engaged in the development of single Chinese materia medica can learn from the experience of the case, and optimize the strategy to better protect related products.

Ciudad de México; s.n; 20231214. 151 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1532066


Introducción. El trabajo de cuidados ha sido el núcleo fundamental de análisis y objeto de estudio tradicional de la Enfermería. Las investigaciones que durante mucho tiempo se han realizado se han centrado mayoritariamente en la producción de cuidados desde la mirada cientificista y hegemónica de la ciencia una ciencia de la enfermería llena de conocimientos técnicos y mecánicos desde una visión parcial de estos, una visión eurocentrista y anglosajona con "valor" académico, dejando al margen los trabajos que se realizan fuera de estos ámbitos y que no están plagados de números y cosas "tangibles". Metodología. Se trata de una investigación histórico cultural, que pretende deconstruir y cristalizar el conocimiento femenino en torno a la higiene y al lavado de manos, por medio de la transdisciplinariedad, haciendo uso de la heurística y la hermenéutica analógica. Hallazgos. Las mujeres nahuas del México Antiguo, dice Clementina Battcock en el Seminario de Historia de las Mujeres en el México Antiguo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), que la historia de las mujeres en el México Antiguo es una historia acallada, "bajita", por lo cual las historiadoras e historiadores han ido construyendo un debate profundo sobre las aportaciones de las mujeres. A través de la heurística seguida se logró encontrar la valiosa recopilación de libros, hecha por Andrés de Olmos denominada "Huehuetlatolli", también denominados la "antigua palabra", gracias a estos escritos se sabe la forma de educación que brindaban mujeres y hombres sabios (tlamatini, mujeres u hombres que saben algo, que conocen las cosas) Discusión. La higiene en la sociedad náhuatl era un método de cuidado para la salud individual y colectiva. Estudiar estos fenómenos como sustento de la la historia del cuidado en la sociedad mexicana gracias al pueblo nahua, es una fuente de información que robustece el cuerpo histórico académico de la profesión de enfermería en México y Latinoamérica Conclusiones. La participación de las mujeres en la educación y en otros ámbitos ha tenido un realce inconmensurable, equiparable con el conocimiento hegemónico proveniente de Europa, las mujeres histórica y universalmente son quienes se han encargado de ilustrar y enseñar desde el seno del hogar las normas básicas de convivencia y civilidad, y aunque ha sido un papel de cierta forma impuesto, no se debe dejar de lado que el conocimiento empírico de todas estas mujeres es valioso y digno de darse a conocer

Introduction. The work of care has been the fundamental nucleus of analysis and traditional object of study of nursing. The research that has been carried out for a long time has focused mainly on the production of care from the scientificist and hegemonic viewpoint of science, a nursing science full of technical and mechanical knowledge from a partial view of this, a Eurocentric and Anglo-Saxon view with academic "value", leaving aside the work that is carried out outside these fields and which is not full of numbers and "tangible" things. Methodology. This is cultural-historical research, which aims to deconstruct and crystallize feminine knowledge around hygiene and hand washing, by means of transdisciplinarity, making use of heuristics and analogical hermeneutics. Findings. Nahua women in Ancient Mexico, says Clementina Battcock in the Seminar on the History of Women in Ancient Mexico (Battcock, 2018, 2021), that the history of women in Ancient Mexico is a silenced history, "bajita", for which historians and historians have been building a deep debate on the contributions of women. Through the heuristics followed, it was possible to find the valuable compilation of books, made by Andrés de Olmos called "Huehuetlatolli", also called the "ancient word", thanks to these writings we know the form of education provided by wise women and men (tlamatini, women or men who know something, who know things). Discussion. Hygiene in the Nahuatl society was a method of care for individual and collective health. Studying these phenomena as a support for the history of care in Mexican society thanks to the Nahua people, is a source of information that strengthens the academic historical body of the nursing profession in Mexico and Latin America. Conclusions. The participation of women in education and in other fields has had an immeasurable enhancement, comparable to the hegemonic knowledge coming from Europe, women historically and universally have been in charge of illustrating and teaching from the bosom of the home the basic rules of coexistence and civility, and although it has been a role somewhat imposed, it should not be left aside that the empirical knowledge of all these women is valuable and worthy of being made known

Introdução. O trabalho de cuidar tem sido o núcleo fundamental de análise e o objeto tradicional de estudo da enfermagem. A investigação que se realizou durante muito tempo centrou-se principalmente na produção de cuidados a partir da visão cientificista e hegemónica da ciência, uma ciência de enfermagem cheia de conhecimentos técnicos e mecânicos a partir de uma visão parcial desta, uma visão eurocêntrica e anglo-saxónica com "valor" académico, deixando de lado o trabalho que se realiza fora destes campos e que não está cheio de números e coisas "tangíveis". Metodologia. Trata-se de uma investigação histórico-cultural, que tem como objetivo desconstruir e cristalizar o conhecimento feminino sobre higiene e lavagem das mãos através da transdisciplinaridade, utilizando a heurística e a hermenêutica analógica. Conclusões. No Seminário de Clementina Battcock sobre a História das Mulheres no México Antigo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), Clementina Battcock afirma que a história das mulheres no México Antigo é uma história silenciada, "baixa", razão pela qual os historiadores têm vindo a construir um debate aprofundado sobre os contributos das mulheres. Através da heurística seguida, foi possível encontrar a valiosa compilação de livros escritos por Andrés de Olmos chamada "Huehuetlatolli", também chamada de "palavra antiga", graças a estes escritos conhecemos a forma de educação fornecida por mulheres e homens sábios (tlamatini, mulheres ou homens que sabem algo, que sabem coisas). Discussão. A higiene na sociedade Nahuatl era um método de cuidado da saúde individual e colectiva. O estudo destes fenómenos como base para a história dos cuidados na sociedade mexicana graças ao povo Nahua é uma fonte de informação que reforça o corpo académico histórico da profissão de enfermeiro no México e na América Latina. Conclusões. A participação das mulheres na educação e em outros campos teve uma importância incomensurável, comparável ao conhecimento hegemónico proveniente da Europa. Histórica e universalmente, as mulheres foram encarregadas de ilustrar e ensinar as regras básicas de convivência e civilidade a partir do seio do lar, e embora tenha sido um papel um tanto imposto, não se deve esquecer que o conhecimento empírico de todas essas mulheres é valioso e digno de ser divulgado

Humans , Hand Hygiene
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20231023. 150 p.
Thesis in Spanish | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1517882


Introducción. El trabajo de cuidados ha sido el núcleo fundamental de análisis y objeto de estudio tradicional de la Enfermería. Las investigaciones que durante mucho tiempo se han realizado se han centrado mayoritariamente en la producción de cuidados desde la mirada cientificista y hegemónica de la ciencia una ciencia de la enfermería llena de conocimientos técnicos y mecánicos desde una visión parcial de estos, una visión eurocentrista y anglosajona con "valor" académico, dejando al margen los trabajos que se realizan fuera de estos ámbitos y que no están plagados de números y cosas "tangibles". Metodología. Se trata de una investigación histórico cultural, que pretende deconstruir y cristalizar el conocimiento femenino en torno a la higiene y al lavado de manos, por medio de la transdisciplinariedad, haciendo uso de la heurística y la hermenéutica analógica. Hallazgos. Las mujeres nahuas del México Antiguo, dice Clementina Battcock en el Seminario de Historia de las Mujeres en el México Antiguo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), que la historia de las mujeres en el México Antiguo es una historia acallada, "bajita", por lo cual las historiadoras e historiadores han ido construyendo un debate profundo sobre las aportaciones de las mujeres. A través de la heurística seguida se logró encontrar la valiosa recopilación de libros, hecha por Andrés de Olmos denominada "Huehuetlatolli", también denominados la "antigua palabra", gracias a estos escritos se sabe la forma de educación que brindaban mujeres y hombres sabios (tlamatini, mujeres u hombres que saben algo, que conocen las cosas) Discusión. La higiene en la sociedad náhuatl era un método de cuidado para la salud individual y colectiva. Estudiar estos fenómenos como sustento de la la historia del cuidado en la sociedad mexicana gracias al pueblo nahua, es una fuente de información que robustece el cuerpo histórico académico de la profesión de enfermería en México y Latinoamérica Conclusiones. La participación de las mujeres en la educación y en otros ámbitos ha tenido un realce inconmensurable, equiparable con el conocimiento hegemónico proveniente de Europa, las mujeres histórica y universalmente son quienes se han encargado de ilustrar y enseñar desde el seno del hogar las normas básicas de convivencia y civilidad, y aunque ha sido un papel de cierta forma impuesto, no se debe dejar de lado que el conocimiento empírico de todas estas mujeres es valioso y digno de darse a conocer.

Introduction. The work of care has been the fundamental nucleus of analysis and traditional object of study of nursing. The research that has been carried out for a long time has focused mainly on the production of care from the scientificist and hegemonic viewpoint of science, a nursing science full of technical and mechanical knowledge from a partial view of this, a Eurocentric and Anglo-Saxon view with academic "value", leaving aside the work that is carried out outside these fields and which is not full of numbers and "tangible" things. Methodology. This is cultural-historical research, which aims to deconstruct and crystallize feminine knowledge around hygiene and hand washing, by means of transdisciplinarity, making use of heuristics and analogical hermeneutics. Findings. Nahua women in Ancient Mexico, says Clementina Battcock in the Seminar on the History of Women in Ancient Mexico (Battcock, 2018, 2021), that the history of women in Ancient Mexico is a silenced history, "bajita", for which historians and historians have been building a deep debate on the contributions of women. Through the heuristics followed, it was possible to find the valuable compilation of books, made by Andrés de Olmos called "Huehuetlatolli", also called the "ancient word", thanks to these writings we know the form of education provided by wise women and men (tlamatini, women or men who know something, who know things). Discussion. Hygiene in the Nahuatl society was a method of care for individual and collective health. Studying these phenomena as a support for the history of care in Mexican society thanks to the Nahua people, is a source of information that strengthens the academic historical body of the nursing profession in Mexico and Latin America. Conclusions. The participation of women in education and in other fields has had an immeasurable enhancement, comparable to the hegemonic knowledge coming from Europe, women historically and universally have been in charge of illustrating and teaching from the bosom of the home the basic rules of coexistence and civility, and although it has been a role somewhat imposed, it should not be left aside that the empirical knowledge of all these women is valuable and worthy of being made known.

Introdução. O trabalho de cuidar tem sido o núcleo fundamental de análise e o objeto tradicional de estudo da enfermagem. A investigação que se realizou durante muito tempo centrou-se principalmente na produção de cuidados a partir da visão cientificista e hegemónica da ciência, uma ciência de enfermagem cheia de conhecimentos técnicos e mecânicos a partir de uma visão parcial desta, uma visão eurocêntrica e anglo-saxónica com "valor" académico, deixando de lado o trabalho que se realiza fora destes campos e que não está cheio de números e coisas "tangíveis". Metodologia. Trata-se de uma investigação histórico-cultural, que tem como objetivo desconstruir e cristalizar o conhecimento feminino sobre higiene e lavagem das mãos através da transdisciplinaridade, utilizando a heurística e a hermenêutica analógica. Conclusões. No Seminário de Clementina Battcock sobre a História das Mulheres no México Antigo (Battcock, 2018, 2021), Clementina Battcock afirma que a história das mulheres no México Antigo é uma história silenciada, "baixa", razão pela qual os historiadores têm vindo a construir um debate aprofundado sobre os contributos das mulheres. Através da heurística seguida, foi possível encontrar a valiosa compilação de livros escritos por Andrés de Olmos chamada "Huehuetlatolli", também chamada de "palavra antiga", graças a estes escritos conhecemos a forma de educação fornecida por mulheres e homens sábios (tlamatini, mulheres ou homens que sabem algo, que sabem coisas). Discussão. A higiene na sociedade Nahuatl era um método de cuidado da saúde individual e colectiva. O estudo destes fenómenos como base para a história dos cuidados na sociedade mexicana graças ao povo Nahua é uma fonte de informação que reforça o corpo académico histórico da profissão de enfermeiro no México e na América Latina. Conclusões. A participação das mulheres na educação e em outros campos teve uma importância incomensurável, comparável ao conhecimento hegemónico proveniente da Europa. Histórica e universalmente, as mulheres foram encarregadas de ilustrar e ensinar as regras básicas de convivência e civilidade a partir do seio do lar, e embora tenha sido um papel um tanto imposto, não se deve esquecer que o conhecimento empírico de todas essas mulheres é valioso e digno de ser divulgado.

Humans , History of Nursing
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(3)jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535195


Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la infraestructura sanitaria: equipos y suministros, ambientes construidos, humanización de la atención y la COVID-19 dentro del Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible en el distrito de Castilla - Piura en el año 2022. Métodos: Adopta el paradigma hermenéutico, con un diseño de tipo transversal, de tipo cualitativo, en base a encuestas aplicadas a una muestra estadística del sector de Castilla; a su vez, se realizaron entrevistas no estructuradas, dirigidas a expertos profesionales de la salud. Resultados: Se observa que el 100% de los hospitales de II y III nivel y centros de salud en Piura, se encuentran en condiciones inadecuadas para lograr la eficiencia y la efectividad en la atención, tanto en infraestructura sanitaria, equipos y suministros, como en los ambientes construidos y humanizados. Conclusión: El estado deficiente de los establecimientos de salud, ha determinado el incremento de casos de COVID-19, durante la pandemia, porque no cuentan con ambientes adecuados para atender diferentes patologías así como por la inadecuada zonificación de las áreas de aislamiento respiratorio y de vectores, las que deben responder a la realidad de esta región; esta situación plantea la necesidad de formular un plan de contingencia regional, la misma que garantice atención prioritaria y de calidad frente a situaciones de emergencia, así como la vivida durante la pandemia.

Objective: The relationship between the sanitary infrastructure, considering three aspects such as: equipment and supplies; built environments; humanization of care against COVID-19 in the district of Castilla - Piura in the year 2022. Methods: It adopts the Hermeneutic paradigm, with a cross-sectional, qualitative design, based on surveys applied to a statistical sample from the Castilla sector, unstructured interviews were conducted, aimed at health professional experts. Results: It is observed that 100% of the II and III level hospitals and health centers in Piura are in inadequate conditions to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in care, both in infrastructure-equipment, in built environment and humanized. Conclusion: The deficient state of health establishments has determined the increase in cases of COVID 19, during the pandemic, because they do not have adequate environments to treat different pathologies, as well as due to inadequate zoning of respiratory and vector isolation areas, those that must respond to the reality of this Region; This situation raises the need to formulate a regional contingency plan, the same one that guarantees priority and quality care in emergency situations, as well as life during the pandemic.

Investig. desar ; 31(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534737


Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender las creencias sociales y orientaciones emocionales colectivas sobre la protesta social en el proceso de construcción de paz en Colombia. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa con enfoque hermenéutico y se realizó un análisis de contenido sobre lo expresado en entrevistas semiestructuradas por 18 participantes, ciudadanos del común, quienes se asumieron "a favor de la protesta social", "en contra de la protesta social" y "ambivalentes". Como resultados, se contrastaron creencias y orientaciones emocionales colectivas favorables, como empatía y comprensión, con prejuicios y estigmas. Emergieron creencias sobre el "otro" opositor, como enemigo, expresiones de distancia social, discriminación, exclusión y odio. Los medios de comunicación como mecanismos de configuración de estas creencias y orientaciones emocionales colectivas, asociadas al rechazo a los movimientos sociales, por parte de algunos participantes, alimentaron un ambiente de polarización y redujeron las posibilidades del reconocimiento del otro como ser humano.

This research tries to comprehend the societal beliefs and the collective emotions about the social protest in the context of peacebuilding. It was used a qualitative methodology with hermeneutical approach, and it was made an analysis of content about what was said in the semi-structured interviews of 18 participants that were classified in three groups according to their position about the social protest: a group in favor, a group against it, and a third one with an ambivalent position. As a result, there were contrasted the positive societal beliefs and the collective as empathy, understanding against prejudices and stigmata. There were emerged beliefs about the "other" as an opponent and enemy, expressions of social distance between groups, discrimination, exclusion, and hate. The mass media were identified as configuration mechanisms of these societal beliefs and collective emotions, associated to rejection of social movements that feeds the political polarization and reduces the possibility to recognize the other as a human being.

Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto, Online) ; 33: e3336, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529084


Abstract Cognitive interviews can provide validity evidence for instruments based on item response processes; however, use of focus groups still prevails in Brazilian literature. Moreover, semantic analysis has only been considered when searching for validity evidence based on test content. This paper presents a proposal for qualitative data analysis based on cognitive interviewing, thus providing researchers with a protocol that enables best practices in carrying out this technique, and consolidating it in the Brazilian literature as an option to search for validity evidence based on item response processes. To conclude, we present some criticisms regarding current procedures for validity evidence based on test content and discuss some possibilities.

Resumo As entrevistas cognitivas podem fornecer evidências de validade para os instrumentos com base no processo de resposta aos itens. Na literatura brasileira, entretanto, o uso de grupos focais ainda prevalece. Além disso, a análise semântica tem sido considerada apenas na busca de evidências de validade baseada no conteúdo do teste. Esse manuscrito apresenta uma proposta para análise de dados qualitativos de entrevistas cognitivas. O objetivo é fornecer aos pesquisadores um protocolo que viabiliza as melhores práticas na realização desta técnica, consolidando-a na literatura brasileira como uma opção para busca de evidência de validade baseada no processo de resposta dos itens. Por fim, são apresentadas algumas críticas em relação aos atuais procedimentos de busca de evidências de validade baseadas no conteúdo e possibilidades são discutidas.

Resumen Las entrevistas cognitivas pueden proporcionar evidencia de validez para los instrumentos basados en el proceso de respuesta al ítem. En la literatura brasileña, sin embargo, aún prevalece el uso de grupos focales; además, el análisis semántico solo se ha considerado en la búsqueda de evidencias de validez basadas en el contenido de la prueba. Este manuscrito presenta una propuesta para el análisis de datos cualitativos de entrevistas cognitivas. El objetivo es proporcionar a los investigadores un protocolo que posibilite las mejores prácticas en la realización de esta técnica, consolidándola en la literatura brasileña como una opción para la búsqueda de evidencias de validez a partir del proceso de respuesta a los ítems. Finalmente, se presentan algunas críticas en relación a los procedimientos actuales de búsqueda de evidencias de validez en base al contenido y se discuten posibilidades.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 76(supl.3): e20220797, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1529811


ABSTRACT Objectives: to discuss ethical aspects in nursing care for transgender people. Methods: reflective study based on the dilemmas that emerges in nursing care for transgender people. The report was structured around the four bioethical principles. Results: health care for trans people is complex, transversal to many devices and specialties and longitudinal in time, that is why it requires coordinated action. There is an ethical framework in which the nursing care must be observed in the care of this group. Final Considerations: the nurse as a health worker can assume several general lines in the care of transgender patients. So, complementary training should be provided not only to professionals, but also to students of nursing and other health sciences.

RESUMO Objetivos: discutir aspectos éticos na assistência de enfermagem às pessoas transgênero. Métodos: estudo reflexivo a partir dos dilemas que surgem no cuidado de enfermagem às pessoas transgênero. O relato foi estruturado em torno dos quatro princípios bioéticos. Resultados: a atenção à saúde de pessoas trans é complexa, transversal a muitos dispositivos e especialidades e longitudinal no tempo, por isso requer ação coordenada. Existe um referencial ético no qual se enquadram os cuidados de enfermagem que devem ser observados no atendimento a esse grupo. Considerações Finais: o enfermeiro como agente de saúde pode assumir diversas linhas gerais no atendimento a pacientes transgênero. Para tal, deve ser proporcionada formação complementar não só aos profissionais, mas também aos estudantes de enfermagem e outras ciências da saúde.

RESUMEN Objetivos: debatir sobre aspectos éticos en la atención de enfermería a personas transgénero. Métodos: estudio reflexivo fundamentado sobre los dilemas que se plantean en los cuidados de enfermería a personas transgénero. El relato se ha estructurado en torno a los cuatro principios bioéticos. Resultados: la atención sanitaria a las personas trans es compleja, transversal a muchos dispositivos y especialidades y longitudinal en el tiempo por lo que precisa de la actuación coordinada. Existe un marco ético en el que se encuadran los cuidados de enfermería que se precisan en la atención a este colectivo. Consideraciones Finales: la enfermera como agente de salud puede asumir diversas líneas generales en la atención a pacientes transgénero. Para ello, se debe brindar formación adicional no solo a los profesionales, también a los estudiantes de enfermería y de las demás ciencias de la salud.

Article in French | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1530210


Cet article identifie les points communs et différences conceptuelles du terme de "construction" selon qu'il est utilisé en sociologie ou en psychanalyse, dans les études portant sur les prises de risque sexuel liées au VIH/sida chez les homosexuels masculins. Il se base sur une analyse du discours épidémiologique en santé publique, sur la notion de "construction sociale" du risque de sida, puis sur l'étude du texte freudien "Constructions dans l'analyse". L'exemple d'un cas montre comment le risque de sida peut faire l'objet d'une construction psychique et sociale contribuant à la prévention.

Este artigo identifica os pontos em comum e as diferenças conceituais do termo "construção", conforme é usado na sociologia ou na psicanálise, em estudos sobre comportamentos sexuais de risco relacionados ao HIV/AIDS entre homossexuais masculinos. Baseia-se na análise do discurso epidemiológico em saúde coletiva, na noção de "construção social" do risco de AIDS, em seguida no estudo do texto freudiano "Construções em análise". O exemplo de um caso mostra como o risco de AIDS pode ser objeto de uma construção psíquica e social contribuindo para a prevenção.

This article identifies the commonalities and conceptual differences of the term "construction" according to whether it is used in sociology or psychoanalysis in studies on sexual risk-taking linked to HIV / AIDS in homosexual men. It is based on the analysis of the epidemiological discourse in public health, on the concept of "social construction" of the AIDS risk, then on the study of the Freudian text "Constructions in analysis". A case example shows how the AIDS risk may be psychically and socially constructed in a way that contributes to prevention.

Este artículo identifica los puntos en común y las diferencias conceptuales del término "construcción" según se utilice en sociología o en psicoanálisis, en estudios sobre la asunción de riesgos sexuales relacionados con el VIH/SIDA entre hombres homosexuales. Se basa en un análisis del discurso epidemiológico en salud pública, en la noción de "construcción social" del riesgo de SIDA, luego en el estudio del texto freudiano "Construcciones en análisis". El ejemplo de un caso muestra cómo el riesgo de SIDA puede ser objeto de una construcción psíquica y social que contribuya a la prevención.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253403, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448955


O hospital constitui-se como um contexto em que a urgência subjetiva pode vir a se apresentar de forma frequente, instaurando, para cada sujeito, uma vivência de angústia. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar as possibilidades para uma clínica das urgências subjetivas no contexto de um hospital universitário em Salvador, considerando as vivências em uma residência multiprofissional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório, em que se realizou revisão teórica sobre o tema e se construiu um caso clínico, sob orientação psicanalítica. A escolha do caso baseou-se na escuta clínica ao longo dos atendimentos e da atuação em equipe multiprofissional, considerando os impasses ao longo do tratamento. Foram utilizados registros documentais produzidos pela psicóloga residente ao longo dos atendimentos, que ocorreram durante três meses. Os resultados apontam para as contribuições da escuta psicanalítica no tratamento das urgências e na atuação em equipe multiprofissional no contexto hospitalar. A subjetivação da urgência permitiu, no caso em questão, um tratamento pela palavra do que havia incidido diretamente no corpo como fenômeno. Conclui-se pela relevância em discutir o tema da urgência e suscitar novas pesquisas, reintroduzindo no contexto hospitalar a questão sobre a subjetividade.(AU)

Hospitals are contexts in which subjective urgency can frequently materialize, triggering an experience of anguish for each subject. Hence, this research investigates the possibilities of establishing a subjective urgency clinic at a university hospital in Salvador, considering the experiences in a multidisciplinary residence. A qualitative, exploratory research was conducted by means of a theoretical review on the topic and construction of a clinical case, under psychoanalytical advisement. The case was chosen based on clinical listening during the sessions and performance in a multidisciplinary team, considering the obstacles for long-term treatment. Data were collected from documentary records produced by the resident psychologist during three months. Results point to the contributions of psychoanalytic listening to treating subjective urgencies and to the performance of a multidisciplinary team in the hospital context. In the case in question, subjectivation of urgency allowed a treatment through the word of affecting phenomenon. In conclusion, discussing urgency and conducting further research, are fundamental to reintroduce subjectivity in the hospital context.(AU)

El hospital es un contexto en el que frecuentemente se puede percibir una urgencia subjetiva, estableciendo una experiencia de angustia para cada sujeto. El objetivo de esta investigación fue investigar las posibilidades de una clínica de urgencia subjetiva en el contexto de un hospital universitario en Salvador (Brasil), considerando las experiencias en una Residencia Multiprofesional. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, de carácter exploratorio, en la que se realizó una revisión teórica sobre el tema y construcción de un caso clínico, con orientación psicoanalítica. La elección del caso se basó en la escucha clínica a lo largo de las sesiones y actuación en un equipo multidisciplinar, considerando los impasses para el tratamiento a largo plazo. Se utilizaron registros documentales elaborados por el psicólogo residente, durante las atenciones, que se realizaron durante tres meses. Los resultados apuntan a las contribuciones de la escucha psicoanalítica en el tratamiento de urgencias y en la actuación de un equipo multidisciplinario en el contexto hospitalario. La subjetivación de la urgencia permitió, en el caso en cuestión, un tratamiento a través de la palabra de lo que había afectado directamente al cuerpo como fenómeno. Se concluye que es relevante discutir el tema de la urgencia y plantear nuevas investigaciones, reintroduciendo el tema de la subjetividad en el contexto hospitalario.(AU)

Humans , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Psychoanalysis , Emergencies , Hospitals, University , Anxiety , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Pain , Parapsychology , Patient Discharge , Primary Health Care , Psychiatry , Psychology , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Religion , Safety , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Teaching , Therapeutics , Universities , Wounds and Injuries , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Unified Health System , Patients' Rooms , Health Infrastructure , Case Reports , Bereavement , Family , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Laboratory and Fieldwork Analytical Methods , Mental Health , Disease , Liability, Legal , Treatment Refusal , Occupational Therapy , Treatment Outcome , Patient Satisfaction , Long-Term Care , Comprehensive Health Care , Life , Benchmarking , Critical Care , Personal Autonomy , Patient Rights , Death , Delivery of Health Care , Information Dissemination , Qualitative Research , After-Hours Care , Diagnosis , Education, Medical, Continuing , Emotions , Empathy , Academic Medical Centers , Publications for Science Diffusion , Disease Prevention , Humanization of Assistance , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Electronic Health Records , Health Communication , Early Medical Intervention , Financial Management , Neurological Rehabilitation , Psychological Trauma , Mentoring , Universalization of Health , Psychological Distress , Patient Care , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Health Planning , Health Planning Guidelines , Health Policy , Hospital Administration , Hospitalization , Hospitals, Teaching , Human Rights , Accounting , Learning , Length of Stay , Life Change Events , Medical Assistance , Memory , Nursing Care
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2158-2189, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981196


The synthesis of fine chemicals using multi-enzyme cascade reactions is a recent hot research topic in the field of biocatalysis. The traditional chemical synthesis methods were replaced by constructing in vitro multi-enzyme cascades, then the green synthesis of a variety of bifunctional chemicals can be achieved. This article summarizes the construction strategies of different types of multi-enzyme cascade reactions and their characteristics. In addition, the general methods for recruiting enzymes used in cascade reactions, as well as the regeneration of coenzyme such as NAD(P)H or ATP and their application in multi-enzyme cascade reactions are summarized. Finally, we illustrate the application of multi-enzyme cascades in the synthesis of six bifunctional chemicals, including ω-amino fatty acids, alkyl lactams, α, ω-dicarboxylic acids, α, ω-diamines, α, ω-diols, and ω-amino alcohols.

Amino Acids , Biocatalysis , Amino Alcohols , Coenzymes/metabolism , Diamines
Singapore medical journal ; : 237-243, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984202


INTRODUCTION@#Falls from heights contribute to 34% of fatal accidents in Singapore. Of these, 51% of the accidents occur in the construction industry. This retrospective review, of all persons falling from heights in the construction industry from 2006 to 2012 and attending a major hospital, analysed injury patterns and related them to mechanisms and contributory factors.@*METHODS@#Information collected included injury and casualty characteristics, safety measures, pre-existing medical conditions and clinical outcomes.@*RESULTS@#Of 1,085 patients, 951 were male with a mean age of 39.8 years, mean height of 165.9 cm and mean weight of 69.7 kg. Most of the casualties fell between 0800 and 2000 hours. Among the severely injured patients, 2.4% had head injuries, 54.9% had chest injuries and 39.2% had abdominal and pelvic injuries. For these casualties, the mortality rate was 60.8%. For patients with less than major trauma, the commonest injuries were in the lower limbs (41.8%), upper limbs (40.8%) and spine (22.2%). All the casualties survived. Falls from scaffolding, formwork and platforms were the most common causes of severe injuries (41.1%). Safety helmets and harnesses were reported to be used in 1.8% and 4.1% of instances of falls, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#Studying the patterns of injuries following falls at construction sites has the potential for injury prevention through safe practices, use of safety equipment and targeted training.

Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Construction Industry , Craniocerebral Trauma/etiology , Protective Devices , Head Protective Devices , Retrospective Studies , Wounds and Injuries/etiology , Injury Severity Score
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 751-756, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992163


Objective:To preliminarily develop a fertility motivation scale for infertile women (FMS-IW) and test its reliability and validity.Methods:The FMS-IW was developed according to the theory of self-determination and Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and the original item pool was established through clinical psychological counseling practice experience, literature review, consulting clinical psychotherapists, interviewing with infertile women and open-ended questionnaires. The original scale was constructed on item analysis and exploratory factor analysis in 257 infertile women. The formal version of FMS-IW was further adapted by Delphi method and tested in another 392 women to conduct confirmatory factor analysis and reliability test. Furthermore, 56 participants of 392 women were randomly retested with FMS-IW after two weeks.SPSS 25.0 and Amos 24.0 software were used for Spearman analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis.Results:Exploratory factor analysis showed that the FMS-IW was composed of 16 items consisting of two factors: autonomous fertility motivation and controlled fertility motivation. The cumulative variance contribution rate was 64.18%. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fitted well ( χ2/ df=3.292, RMSEA=0.077, SRMR=0.055, GFI=0.902, AGFI=0.871, IFI=0.938, CFI=0.938, TLI=0.928). The Cronbach's α coefficient of the FMS-IW was 0.908. The Cronbach's α coefficient for autonomous and controlled fertility motivation was 0.911 and 0.928, respectively. The parity split-half coefficient of the formal version of FMS-IW was 0.870. The test-retest reliability of the formal version of FMS-IW was 0.823. Conclusion:The FMS-IW has good reliability and validity, and can be used as an effective tool to measure fertility motivation in infertile women.

Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science ; (12): 498-504, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992124


Objective:To discusses the formation mechanism and influencing factors of sports fitness behavior interruption.Methods:From January 1st to April 30th in 2015, the adults aged 20 and above in the national survey of fitness activities were selected as the research objects to analyze the reasons for the interruption of fitness behavior of Chinese residents, including 32 877 people with fitness habits and 5 152 people with interrupted fitness habits.SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 17.0 software were used to process the data.The chi-square test was used to analyze the characteristics and changing trend of people who interrupted physical fitness behavior.Correlation analysis and factor analysis were used to categorize public factors of residents' physical fitness behavior characteristics.Validating factor analysis and path analysis were used to analyze the main reasons affecting the disruption of residents' physical fitness behaviors.Results:The fitness interruption behavior among Chinese residents were statistically significant different in terms of age, gender, and habitation( χ2=2.791, 199.435, 12.402, all P<0.05). The highest percentage of fitness interruptions was observed among residents aged 20-39 (19.1%) in China, women (16.2%) were higher than men (15.5%), and urban (16.4%) were higher than rural (14.9%). Factor classification and model analysis showed that the occurrence of disruptions in physical fitness behavior among Chinese residents was influenced by a combination of health factors( β=0.52), social environment( β=0.57), psychological factors( β=0.42), and fitness behavior environment( β=0.22). Conclusion:The occurrence of disruption of physical fitness behavior of our residents is mainly influenced by the combination of health factors, psychological factors, social environment, and fitness behavior environment.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 991-995, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991455


Objective:To probe the exploration and integration of ideological and political teaching resources for College English by medical students' teams, and to build a College English ideological and political teaching resource database in medical colleges, so as to provide feasible experience for the integration of medical students' College English and ideological and political education.Methods:A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1 030 students in a medical college, and SPSSAU statistical software was employed to analyze the results to investigate the attitudes and demands of students towards the integration of English teaching and ideological and political education, the construction methods of College English ideological and political teaching resource database, and the presentation methods and types of resources. Based on the questionnaire results, textbook themes, teaching modules and students' majors, the content analysis and classification method were employed to construct a College English ideological and political teaching resource database that meets the expectations of medical students.Results:① A total of 836 students agreed with the necessity to integrate College English with ideological and political education, hoping to build an ideological and political resource database with videos and audios related to daily life ( n = 731), medical knowledge ( n = 664), social practice ( n = 622), news and current affairs ( n = 604) and guide the students to learn the above resources through the methods "teacher instruction + classroom discussion" ( n = 528). ② The ideological and political integration points in the questionnaire results were matched according to the subjects of the textbook, and further divided into two categories: universal and medically specific ideological and political teaching elements according to the content of the unit modules. Finally, the resource database of College English ideological and political teaching in medical colleges was built. Conclusion:Outstanding courses and resources are jointly explored and built by teachers and students.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 882-885, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991431


Medical Physics is an interdiscipline which is formed by applying the basic principles, methods, and techniques of physics to clinical medical research such as prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases, and it is a compulsory professional basic course for medical students. However, there are many medical students reflect that the content of this course is obscure and difficult to understand. Teaching effect is not ideal. The main reasons are that the teaching method is single and the reference materials are few. Based on the actual situation of the course, Hebei Medical University, China promotes formative evaluation from the content of teaching materials, teaching means, and other aspects. At the same time, by combining with the Internet, the digital construction has been realized, deepening the reform of the Medical Physics curriculum, and remarkable results have been achieved.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 873-876, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991429


Based on the summary and reflection of the existing course construction content, this paper redesigns the course teaching to Brain Functional Imaging and forms a new curriculum construction scheme, including improving the professional teachers' ability of the teaching team by means of "internal training" + "external introduction", building an online and offline integrated teaching mode by combining online teaching resources such as course website with offline teaching (such as literature guidance, classroom discussion, comprehensive experimental design, etc.), and designing comprehensive experiments related to Electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), which is driven by scientific research projects, based on the scientific research experimental platform of the teaching and research department. This construction scheme is of great significance for improving the teaching quality of the course, stimulating the learning interest of graduate students, and cultivating the comprehensive application and practical innovation ability of graduate students' brain imaging technology. And it also provides the reference for the further construction of the course and teaching reform in the future.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 753-758, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991405


Objective:To construct a virtual simulation training platform for peripheral inserted central catheter (PICC) catheterization and discuss its application in clinical training.Methods:A total of 118 nurses who attended the PICC professional and technical advanced training courses in a province in 2020 and 2021 were enrolled in this study. In 2020, the training was conducted in the form of theoretical teaching combined with practical training ( n=51), and in 2021, virtual simulation platform was introduced as a supplement on the basis of the original training ( n=67). SPSS 23.0 was used for independent-samples t-test to compare the theoretical and operational assessment results of the two years and evaluate the application effect of the platform. Through the satisfaction survey and learning log, the nurses' experience of using the platform was understood. Results:The theoretical performance and the operational performance of nurses who participated in the training in 2021 were (96.56±3.17) and (94.06±2.16) respectively, and the operational performance was better than that of nurses who participated in the training in 2020 ( t=-11.37, P<0.001), and the difference in theoretical performance was not statistically significant ( t=0.17, P=0.853). In 2021, 63 nurses (94.0%) who used the virtual simulation platform believed that the platform could assist to improve the training effect; 61 nurses (91.0%) expected the application of virtual simulation technology in the teaching and training of other knowledges. Conclusion:As a new teaching form, virtual simulation technology can significantly improve the training effect and satisfaction, and provide reference for the development of relevant teaching and training.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 647-650, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991381


Military vocational education has become one of the strategies to strengthen the military in the new era. The army urgently needs to build a number of featured online courses of military vocational education. Therefore, taking the course "Knowledge and Skills of Health Education for the Army" as an example, this paper discusses the overall construction objectives, construction ideas, teaching content, curriculum and test question bank construction of the course. In addition, this paper analyzes and summarizes the problems existing in the teaching organization, implementation, and preliminary application, so as to provide ideas and construction strategies for the construction of online open courses in other military vocational education.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 556-559, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991362


Regional anatomy teaching not only requires students to deal with the basic knowledge of human body including the level, location and adjacent relationship, but also to understand the clinical application of anatomical structure. Based on the four aspects of field anatomy, simulated surgery, clinical application lectures and CBL teaching, this study formulated a suitable assessment method to reconstruct the teaching system of regional anatomy relying on the improvement of the laboratory environment and the teacher team, aiming at cultivating students' clinical practice ability as the core and building a new regional anatomy course to meet the teaching needs of the new era.